Thursday, August 11, 2011

Favorites: Makeup artists Samantha & Nicola Chapman from Pixiwoo

Hey guys!

Today's post will be about one two of my favorite "beauty gurus" on Youtube.

I discovered the Youtube beauty community about 2 years ago. I set up an account and subscribed to a bunch of people. Right now I'm subscribed to 103 channels (not all are beauty-related though), but there are a couple people who's videos I always watch immediately when I see them in my subscriptions. One of the beauty channels' videos I always look forward to, are the ones from Pixiwoo!

This Youtube channel is run by 2 lovely sisters from the UK: Samantha and Nicola Chapman. Not only are they both awesome makeup artists and absolutely gorgeous, they also have great personalities and are very pleasant to watch. 

I've learned so much from them since I started watching their videos. It's like having your very own private teachers! They do both teach makeup and you can really tell they know what they're talking about when it comes to using and applying makeup. I love how they have videos that show you the basics, but also more creative looks which would be more for photo-shoots and fashion. They also do a lot of celebrity inspired look and they look stunning every single time! They've organized their videos in different playlists on their channel which is very helpful to find the video you're looking for.

I know most people probably already know Sam and Nic, but I wanted to make this post because I think that everyone should know about them because they're simply amazing!

Here are some of my favorite videos from their different playlists:







They also have a website:

Also, Samantha Chapman recently came out with her own brush line which I really really want to try because I've seen so many great reviews on the brushes! They're the Real Techniques by Samantha Chapman and are available at Ulta in the US, and Internationally on Love Makeup and VictoriaHealth.

So definitely check out their Youtube channel and Website if you haven't already! And if you have tried some of the Real Techniques brushes, let me know what you think of them!

Thanks for reading!

Up next: a colourful look with the Sleek Curaçao palette



  1. Yeah indeed I know how you feel! They're both just AWESOME! role models for us ^^ love watching their vids too.

  2. Great videos! Thanks for sharing!
    Nicola Chapman

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